
Two year ago me and my friend decided to go to a Metallica concert, but unfortunately all the tickets were sold out. Therefore I decided to check out the groups on social networks and luckily, I found a woman who was selling a couple tickets. I bought it right away and we were happy with my friend, but only until the date of the event when we showed our tickets to a ticket checker and eventually realised that our tickets had already been used. So the woman was a scammer. And this problem is just one of the plenty problems related to the black market of tickets.

What it does

We built interfaces for organizers and visitors and our own prototype of Hedera metamask browser extension to allow users to interact with the hashgraph in a secure way:

web-application allows to issue tokens of tickets, creates a magik link for visitors that allows them to buy, transfer, set for sell, cancel selling and send a token-ticket for burning as Check-in action. Then the app creates the link and QR-code of transaction of burning that the vistor shows to the organizer, who checks the transation and let's the visitor enter the event. All the intractions between users and Hedera Hashgraph had to be sign through our own Hedera metamask extension which we've done during the hackathon.

How we built it

We had some experience with chrome extentions and we decided to apply it. So we built an extension, web application which interacts with the extension and also adopted npm package hederahashgraph/sdk to our case.

Challenges we ran into

We have never work with extensions that interact with web pages therefore is was quite complicated to solve such a chellenge.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Built not only a web application but also a metamask. Therefore it's like 2 strong projects in one.

What we learned

How to work with Hedera SDK and Hedera Token Service

How to establish communication between extensions and web-applications

What's next for Hedera Smart Tickets

Ticket checker based on KYC

Explorer of available tickets and events

Application for other types of assets

Built With

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posted an update

Hello there! For this submission we built a Hedera metamask browser extension and a web-application for smart tickets. To try it your self, please follow the next steps:

1) Check . The button shouldn't be active because of absence of metamask. 2) Download HederaMask extension from google drive 3) Open Chrome (if not open) 4) Go to chrome://extensions 5) Turn on the developer mode (top right corner) 6) Press "Load unpacked" and choose the downloaded extenstion. 7) Turn the extension on and pin it to the top bar. Then you can refresh and go through the organiser's interface and then through the visitor's interface after following the link (which will be generated after issuing tickets)

Have fun!

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